Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Review

Mutual of Omaha final expense, guaranteed issue, accidental, term, whole life, and children's policy reviews.
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Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Company Headquarters

Written by Brian Greenberg
CEO / Founder & Licensed Insurance Agent

Last updated: March 20th, 2023

Our take on Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha is a company with a strong financial background. Their experience dates back to 1909, translating to superior customer service.

Is Mutual of Omaha life insurance a good choice? We believe so, especially for their level term life insurance with an exam, final expense insurance, guaranteed issue, and children’s life policies.

Their products often include riders for free. Other insurance companies can be more affordable but charge an additional fee for these riders.

We like Mutual of Omaha’s product called Living Promise. It’s a whole life insurance policy and is seniors’ most popular final expense product. If you are between ages 45 and 85, you’ll be able to get $2,000 – $40,000 in coverage. Since this is a whole-life policy, you don’t have to worry about renewing terms or policy end dates.

What we like

The company has over a century of experience

Mutual of Omaha was founded in 1903. During this time, Mutual of Omaha has always focussed on offering exceptional service. And that has translated into a high customer rating.

Exceptional financial history

Financial stability in a life insurance company is important. If the company has financial issues that may endanger your life insurance claim. Mutual of Omaha has held an excellent financial rating with A.M. Best and S&P.

Mutual of Omaha’s Life Insurance Products


Term Life Answers

This product has multiple health classes, so people with good health can get a great price. The medical exam is only waived when the coverage amount is under $100,000. Mutual Omaha has exceptional customer service.

  • Issue ages: 18-65 years
  • Face amounts: $100,000 to $1,000,000 and above
  • Standard non-tobacco and Standard tobacco health classes
  • Term periods: 10, 15, 20, and 30 years
  • Automatically included riders: Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness Rider and Waiver of Premium for Unemployment Rider,
  • Optional riders: Accidental Death Benefit rider, Dependent Children’s rider,  Other Insured rider and Disability Waiver of Premium rider
  • Renewability
    Term Life 10 The policy automatically renews annually in year 11 and thereafter to age 95, without evidence of insurability
  • Term Life 15 The policy automatically renews annually in policy year 16 and thereafter to age 95, without evidence of insurability
  • Term Life 20 The policy automatically renews annually in policy year 21 and thereafter to age 95, without evidence of insurability
  • Term Life 30 The policy automatically renews annually in policy year 31 and thereafter to age 95, without evidence of insurability

Conversion option

  • Term Life 10 Before age 75, or during first 2 years after policy issue, whichever is later
  • Term Life 15, 20 Before age 75
  • Term Life 30 Only during the first 20 years

Common Mutual of Omaha riders:

  • Accidental Death Rider – This rider pays additional benefits if the cause of death is due to an accident. Many individuals buy an Accidental Death policy separately since it’s so affordable. But with a Mutual of Omaha policy, you’ll enjoy it built-in to your policy.
  • Accelerated Death Benefit Rider – This rider goes in effect if you are diagnosed with a condition resulting in a life expectancy of 24 months or less. In that case, Mutual of Omaha will pay you up to 92% of your death benefit. This payment comes in a lump-sum payment. After this payment, your policy will be terminated.
  • Disability Waiver of Premium Rider – This rider goes into effect if you become disabled due to a qualifying event. The life insurance premiums will be waived, after a 6 month waiting period.
  • Chronic Illness Rider – If you cannot perform 2 or more of 6 daily activities for 90 consecutive days, Mutual of Omaha will pay up to 80% of your death benefit.

Product Brochure

Term Life Express

United of Omaha’s Term Life Express is an amazing product that provides more living benefits than any other policy, included at no cost. The product is only offered at the standard/regular health class and has one of the most liberal build charts in the industry. United/Mutual of Omaha is a great company with extremely high ethical standards. Most policies are issued either immediately or within 10 days.

  • Issue ages 18-65 years.
  • Face amounts to $25,000 to $300,000 for ages 18-50. $25,000 to $250,000 for ages 51-65.
  • No medical exam. Medical records may be requested from doctors.
  • Standard non-tobacco and Standard tobacco health classes.
  • Term periods: 10, 15, 20, and 30 years.
  • Automatically included riders include: Terminal Illness, Chronic Illness, Critical Illness, Residential Damage, Waiver of Premium for Unemployment, and Common Carrier Death Benefit Provision.
  • The application can be completed in 20-25 minutes via phone.
  • A policy with a 5-year premium guarantee is available, but we do not sell it. We only sell the policies that are guaranteed level for the full term.
  • Policies typically take 1-10 days to issue.

Conversion option

  • Term Life Express is convertible after policy year two through the lesser of a) the end of the level term period, or b) the policy anniversary following the Insured’s 70th birthday. Cannot be converted to a fully underwritten product.

Include benefits:

Chronic Illness Rider

Provides an accelerated death benefit if the insured is certified by a physician within the last 12 months as unable to perform two of six Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) for 90 consecutive days, or requires substantial supervision to protect himself or herself from threats to health and safety due to severe cognitive impairment.

Terminal Illness Rider

Provides an accelerated death benefit if the insured provides evidence that their life expectancy is 12 months or less.

Critical Illness Rider

Provides an accelerated death benefit if the insured has been certified by a physician as having one or more of the following conditions within the last 12 months: ALS, kidney failure, life-threatening cancer, major organ failure, heart attack, and stroke.

Residential Damage Rider

If your primary residence sustains $25,000 or more of damage, the premium of the base policy and all riders are waived for one six-month period.

Waiver of Premium for Unemployment Rider

Unemployment Rider: D185LNA10R.) In the event of qualifying unemployment, United of Omaha waives the premium for the base plan and all riders for one six-month period.

Common Carrier Death Benefit Provision

If you should die in an accident while a fare-paying passenger on a common carrier (e.g., airplane, train, or bus), this rider provides an additional death benefit equal to 100 percent of the original face amount or $250,000, whichever is less.

Optional benefits:

Disability Income Rider

With this rider, the insured can apply (at issue) for a maximum monthly disability income benefit equal to the lesser of:

  • 1.5 percent of the face amount at issue or
  • $3,000 per month or
  • 60 percent of your monthly gross income

The insured can apply for either an 18- or 30-month benefit. The monthly income amount and the benefit period cannot be changed after the issue. The elimination period is 90 days.* * In MD 120-day elimination period. Availability may vary by product.

Disability Waiver of Premium Rider

If the insured becomes disabled and cannot work, the premium for the base policy and all riders is waived through the level period. The elimination period is 90 days.** This benefit continues as long as the insured is disabled. If the insured does not become disabled prior to the earlier of the end of the level period or age 60, the benefit is no longer available. **In MD 120-day elimination period.

Accidental Death Benefit Rider

This rider can only be added at issue and the issue age of the base insured must be 18-55. The rider terminates, and the premiums stop at the earlier of the end of the level period or the anniversary date of the policy following the insured attaining age 65. The benefit amounts available are based on the issue age of the base insured and are as follows:

  • Minimum ADB amount: $10,000
  • Maximum ADB amount: issue ages 18-25: $100,000; 26-55: $250,000 (or the face amount, if less)

Dependent Children’s Rider

The rider can only be added at issue and is available for the base insured only. Face amounts are $5,000 and $10,000. The Dependent Children’s Rider terminates, and the premiums stop at the earlier of the anniversary date following the insured’s age 65, when the youngest child attains age 23 or when the base policy terminates.

Accident Indemnity Rider

The Accident Indemnity Rider pays additional death benefits if the insured dies due to an accidental bodily injury. Double the additional amount is payable if the accidental bodily injury occurs while the insured is a fare-paying passenger on a common carrier. Death must occur within 90 days from the accident and before age 70 of the insured. The insured cannot be engaged in hazardous occupations, as determined by the company.

Product Brochure

Final Expense

Living Promise

Living Promise offers competitive premiums that fit many budgets.

Simplified underwriting. No medical exam – coverage is based on your answers to a few simple health questions.

A great product with a strong brand and from a stable and secure company that you know.

***Not available in AR, MT, NC.

Level Benefit plan:

  • Death Benefit: 100%
  • Issue Ages: 45-85
  • Face Amounts: $2,000 – $40,000
  • Underwriting Classes: Standard Tobacco/Nontobacco
  • Underwriting Requirements: MIB, pharmaceutical check, random phone interviews
  • Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness Rider in CA (D482LCA14R): Allows the owner a one-time election to receive the Accelerated Benefit if the insured is diagnosed as having a terminal illness that, with a reasonable degree of certainty, will result in the insured’s death within 12 months or less from the date a physician signs the statement of proof of terminal illness.

Graded Benefit Plan

  • Death Benefit: This policy contains a graded benefit meaning that for death due to natural causes (any cause other than accidental) during the first two years, the beneficiary will receive all premiums paid plus 10 percent. After the two years, the full benefit is paid for death due to all causes. Full death benefits will be paid, in all years, if death results from an accidental bodily injury.
  • Issue Ages: 45-80
  • Face Amounts: $2,000 − $20,000
  • Underwriting Class: Standard (no tobacco distinction) • Underwriting Requirements: MIB, pharmaceutical check, random phone interviews

Riders on both products

Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness or Nursing Home Confinement (ICC12L084R)

Allows the owner a one-time election to receive the Accelerated Benefit if the insured is either: (a) diagnosed as having a terminal illness that, with a reasonable degree of certainty, will result in the insured’s death within 12 months or less from the date a physician signs the statement of proof of terminal illness, or (b) has been confined to a nursing home for 90 consecutive days or more and is expected to remain confined in a nursing home for the duration of the insured’s life.

Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness or Chronic Illness Rider in FL (D359LFL12R):

Allows the owner a one-time election to receive the Accelerated Benefit if the insured is either: (a) diagnosed as having a terminal illness that, with a reasonable degree of certainty, will result in the insured’s death within 12 months or less from the date a physician signs the statement of proof of terminal illness, or (b) certified by a physician that the insured is unable to perform (without substantial assistance from another person) at least two activities of daily living due to a chronic illness.

Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness Rider in CT (D358LCT12R):

Allows the owner a one-time election to receive the Accelerated Benefit if the insured is diagnosed as having a terminal illness that, with a reasonable degree of certainty, will result in the insured’s death within 12 months or less from the date a physician signs the statement of proof of terminal illness.

Product Brochure


Critical Illness

Issue ages: 18-89 Benefit amount:$10,000 – $100,000

Basic benefits: Lump-Sum Payment Upon Diagnosis

Additional Feature: Return of Premium if you die while coverage is active

Sample Rates: $25,000 – $61/month
$50,000 – $123/month

Covered Health Conditions:

  • Internal Cancer
  • Malignant Melanoma
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Major Organ Transplant
  • Blindness
  • Paralysis
  • Deafness
  • Kidney Failure
  • CABG Surgery
  • PTCA Surgery

Cancer insurance is their most popular critical illness plan. You can get between $10,000 and $100,000 in coverage. Mutual of Omaha will pay this lump sum if you are diagnosed with cancer.

Learn more about Mutual of Omaha Cancer, Heart attack Stroke Insurance

Additionally, Mutual of Omaha will pay for various health-related treatment costs. This includes medication, surgery, and more.

For most people, Mutual of Omaha Critical Illness isn’t a great alternative to life insurance. Instead, it’s an additional policy to provide added peace of mind.

Product Brochure

Accidental Death

Guaranteed ADvantage

  • 18-70 Accidental
  • $50,000 – $500,000 (increments of $1,000)
  • Spouse coverage is 100 percent of the Proposed Insured coverage, and child coverage is 20 percent of the Proposed Insured coverage
  • 24-hour all-accident coverage
  • Common Carrier Benefit: pays two times the accidental death benefit
  • Auto Pedestrian Benefit: pays an additional 25 percent of the accidental death benefit Family Coverage: — Spouse is eligible if age 18-70 and may remain on the policy until age 80 — Unmarried dependent children under the age of 19, or age 23, if a full-time student at an accredited college or university State specials will apply • Dependent child coverage ends at age 21 or 25 if a full-time student
  • Return of Premium (ROP) rider is available for ages 18-50 and pays a percentage of the premiums paid on the insurance policy at the time of cancellation. *ROP Rider is unavailable in AR, CT, GA, NY, PA, and VA.
  • Pays double the death benefit if death results from an accident while riding as a fare-paying passenger on a common carrier such as a boat, bus or airplane.
  • The Auto/Pedestrian benefit pays an additional 25 percent of the death benefit if the insured is killed while driving or riding in a private automobile or if struck by an automobile on a public street or highway
  • Insurance policy is guaranteed renewable to age 80 as long as premiums are paid

This Policy offers coverage with no health questions, medical exams, or job restrictions. You cannot be turned down. If you have been turned down before this may be your answer.

Guaranteed Accidental Advantage Brochure

Children’s Whole Life

Children’s Whole Life is a whole life product that can begin a lifetime of coverage for children or grandchildren.

In addition to the death benefit, the Guaranteed Insurability Rider can help protect the child’s future insurability.

Check Out These Features:

  • Simplified application
  • NO medical underwriting and limited health questions
  • Available for ages 14 days to 17 years
  • Available in face amounts of $5,000 to $50,000
  • Level premiums for the life of the policy (policy matures at age 100)
  • Rates never increase with age
  • Builds cash value
  • Benefits never decrease
  • Easy payment options
  • Guaranteed Insurability Rider – additional policies may be purchased in the future, at the time of several life events, without evidence of insurability
  • Available in all states except MA

When the policy is in force, the Guaranteed Insurability Rider allows the owner the option of purchasing additional coverage, without evidence of insurability, based on the following life events:

1. Ages 25, 30, 35 and 40

2. Marriage

3. Birth or adoption of a child

4. Home purchase

Financial ratings

Overall, Mutual of Omaha has an excellent financial rating. This means that they are extremely likely to meet their financial obligations, like paying out death benefits.

  • S&P Rating: A+ – Excellent
  • A.M. Best Rating: A+ – Excellent

Customer reviews

4.9 /5
Based on 104 reviews

Jul 07,2023
Bishop Davis Verified
Smooth and easy going
United of Omaha Insurance Company
SI - Living Promise W/L (Pay to 100)
Policy length:
To Age 121 Level (No Lapse U/L)

Mar 07,2023
Brian Blyth Verified
Two thumbs up. Glad I was able to work with Jen.
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

May 27,2021
Wendy Deal Verified
Jennifer is the best! She answers all my questions and is very sweet.. We are lucky to have her as out agent!!
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

May 21,2021
Derrick Rogers Verified
Cheryl made the process fast and easy!
United of Omaha Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

May 06,2021
D'Ann (Ry'Leigh) Deleon (Vela) Verified
Applying for Life Insurance was super easy and very quick! Thank you! D’Ann
United of Omaha Insurance Company
Mutual of Omaha Childrens
Policy length:

Apr 19,2021
Dale Flemming Verified
Excellent experience with Jennifer. She was very helpful. I would definitely recommend her.
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:
Whole Life Life Insurance

Mar 15,2021
Bishop Davis Verified
Easy and convenient approvals
United of Omaha Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 year

Mar 14,2021
Jermain Washington Verified
She was very helpful and knowledgeable and friendly.
United of Omaha Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Feb 01,2021
Baronne Barth Verified
She is very kind and efficient.
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Dec 23,2020
Tammy Jackson Verified
Jennifer, was excellent at the question I were needing help with. She was friendly, nice, an a huge relief. I will pass on her information to some more senior’s in need of help with insurance. Thank you for being so kind a helpful. Tammy Jackson
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:
Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance

Dec 19,2020
Brenda Hagemann Verified
Aaron Udel was very helpful and had all the information I needed. He was also very professional. I would recommend to anyone looking to buy insurance. He made it much easy for me to decide.
United of Omaha Insurance Company
Living Promise
Policy length:
Whole Life Life Insurance

Dec 14,2020
Camilla Senteneri Verified
Aaron was absolutely wonderful to work with! He took the time to answer all my questions and made the process so smooth. I am very happy I took the time to answer the call from him! A definite asset to your company!
Mutual Of Omaha
GI - Max Pay Age 84
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Nov 29,2020
Kim Turpin Verified
Jennifer plisch is excellent salesman you have a keeper hang on to her
United of Omaha Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Nov 24,2020
Stephen Decrescenzo Verified
Taylor and Kathy were amazing. They made the entire process simple and painless. Their knowledge and professionalism was incredible and I will be recommending them to all my family and friends.
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 year

Oct 16,2020
Clair Ashley Verified
Great,very helpful easy
United of Omaha Insurance Company
Living Promise
Policy length:
Final Expense Whole Life

Sep 24,2020
Mason Garmer Verified
It was pleasant and Mrs. Jen was very helpful.
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:

Sep 11,2020
Gregory Smith Verified
Excellent experience a lot of different policies so you can get the one that fits you the best
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Aug 21,2020
Jeffery Hampton Jr. Verified
It was a very fast and easy process.
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Jul 03,2020
Kevin Wilson Verified
The process was user friendly and the customer service was high quality!
United of Omaha Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Jun 28,2020
Ford King Verified
United of Omaha Insurance Company
Living Promise
Policy length:
Whole Life Life Insurance

May 10,2020
Justin Choi Verified
Excellent!! Being insured in the company give me peace of mind. My family is protected in case anything happens. The application process was very fast and easy.
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Apr 23,2020
Tammie Davis Verified
I have been a client of Jennifer for a long time, and I have always received impeccable service. She is a true professional, and always makes sure that her clients are satisfied and receive the best service possible. She also makes everything very clear and easy.
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Apr 09,2020
Michael Gollihugh Verified
It was a walk in the park
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 year

Mar 31,2020
Antoinette Moore Verified
Very smooth process.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Living Promise
Policy length:
Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance

Mar 31,2020
Chad Billingsley Verified
Easy and fast with no problems!
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Mar 18,2020
John Carradine Verified
My experience was excellent with no problems.
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:
Whole Life Life Insurance

Mar 10,2020
Timothy Fitzpatrick Verified
Very good, seamless process..
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Jan 18,2020
Sheila Estes Verified
Fast easy reliable and efficient
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Dec 15,2019
Roger Miller Verified
My experience with Cheryl was excellent, she has a very good personality with clients.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 year

Oct 03,2019
Eric Mutnan Verified
Jennifer Plisch worked hard to get the affordable term life coverage that I needed when everyone else either told me I was uninsurable or wanted to put me in a table rated policy. Thanks a bunch!
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Answers
Policy length:
30 years

Aug 27,2019
Gary (Renard Jr.) Smith Verified
Simple and easy. I like the docusign.
Mutual Of Omaha
Mutual of Omaha Childrens
Policy length:
Whole Life Life Insurance

Aug 20,2019
Timothy Hart Verified
Was easy and thorough.
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:
Age to 100

Aug 20,2019
Robert Librizzi Verified
I’ve spoken to many insurance agents in my life, but none more knowledgeable and caring, than Jen Plisch, a true professional.
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Aug 13,2019
Tammy Stehnike Verified
Great experience applying for life insurance. Easy application and all went quick and smooth.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Aug 13,2019
Sushan Arora Verified
Jason Alper provided excellent service in October 2018. He guided me through my options and was very clear and patient. It is now August 2019 and I called him because I needed information regarding my policy. He assisted, without hesitation! I'd give him six stars if I could!
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
30 years

Aug 02,2019
Lyle Turner Verified
The process was painless. If I had only known how quick and easy it would be I would have called long ago.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Jul 01,2019
Jake Edwards Verified
Easy process with Jason Alper.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Jun 27,2019
Joel Gordon Verified
Excellent experience with application process
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Jun 08,2019
Amanda West Verified
The phone interview was tedious, but end result was worth it.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Jun 06,2019
Bradley Prestwich Verified
A great term product and a very fair price!
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

May 25,2019
Jay Opre Verified
fine everything in timely manner
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Living Promise
Policy length:
Age to 100

May 02,2019
Anthony Stine Verified
Mutual of Omaha is a well established company. Want you to know that Jason Alper was very helpful and caring. Thank You all getting my family and I the security of have a great coverage we hope we never need but if we do then my family is covered. Thanks Anthony Stine
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Apr 26,2019
Leah Pufahl Verified
Jason made the process really understandable and comfortable. I'm wasnt sure how to go about selecting a policy and he helped make it a breeze.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
30 years

Apr 22,2019
Roni Kaufman Verified
Ken was great. He was professional, knowledgeable and efficient. I highly recommend his services.
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Mar 18,2019
Carol Woodyard Verified
Obtaining life insurance was very easy with True Blue - we had tried other sites and the process was confusing and difficult.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Mar 17,2019
Casey Thompson Verified
Coverage is great. Price is reasonable.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
30 years

Mar 06,2019
Richard Miller Verified
From the use of the policy search and quote service online to the clear and pain-free application by telephone to the notification of approval, True Blue came through with flying colors. My agent, Jason, and all of the staff were consistently caring, knowledgeable, and helpful in every way. I don't see how you could go wrong with True Blue.
Mutual Of Omaha
Simplified Issue Living Promise Whole Life
Policy length:
Age to 100

Mar 05,2019
William Barrett Verified
The whole process was very easy. I received my policy in less than 2 weeks.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Feb 27,2019
Sonia Caraballo Verified
GREAT EXPERIENCE... could not be any easier.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance

Feb 27,2019
Mary Mick Verified
Took a while to get all necessary papers but they helped the whole way
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Feb 25,2019
Kalliopi Annenos Verified
Easy process. Easy to understand
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Feb 13,2019
Randy Miles Verified
Fast easy efficient
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
15 years

Jan 22,2019
Kierstyn Hayducka Verified
Response was prompt and overall the experience was easy.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Jan 19,2019
Steven Borg Verified
Excellent tambien , quick and painless
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Jan 14,2019
Roy White Verified
Fantastic service. Jason was patient and worked with us on every question and concern we had.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Dec 18,2018
Joliyah Walker Verified
Mutual of Omaha was excellent
Mutual Of Omaha
Mutual of Omaha Childrens
Policy length:
Age to 100

Dec 18,2018
Carrie Walker Verified
No real experience yet, but so far, so good!
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Dec 15,2018
Nancy Young Verified
Good experience with wonderful Agent.
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:
Age to 100

Dec 14,2018
Melissa Alain Verified
Very good!! I am happy with the service.
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Dec 14,2018
Neil Mitchell Verified
Loved Wild Kingdom.....
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:

Dec 10,2018
Nathan Grover Verified
Once again, my experience with Cheryl was excellent. She helped me find a policy for my son through Mutual of Omaha.. Then once it was all approved, Mutual of Omaha followed up with me and let me know my policy was approved. Overall, my experience with True Blue, Cheryl and Mutual of Omaha was painless and quick. Thank you everyone!
Mutual Of Omaha
Mutual of Omaha Childrens
Policy length:
Whole Life Life Insurance

Nov 21,2018
Charles (Brittney) Leach Verified
Good rates and good service.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Nov 20,2018
Christy Kim Verified
HVe not heard from them besides my independent agent. However approval was fast and simple!
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Nov 17,2018
Lisa (Hazel) Arnel Verified
I'm pleased to have my policy with Mutual of Omaha - they have a wonderful reputation and they've been in business for years! 5 Stars
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Nov 05,2018
Jeffrey Ludwig Verified
Very pleasant people to talk to
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Oct 12,2018
Violeta Cudal Verified
Awesome overall experience!
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:
Whole Life Life Insurance

Sep 28,2018
Fred Otabor Verified
my overall experience was awesome and encouraging.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Sep 28,2018
Michael Biafore Verified
Fast approval, good rates
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Sep 27,2018
Princess Ofordile Verified
Very affordable and amazing customer service.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Sep 14,2018
Clara Orosco Verified
Professional and fast in approval.
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:
Whole Life Life Insurance

Sep 07,2018
Bobby Staggs Verified
Very satisfied with the insurance agents and coverage
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Sep 06,2018
John Slater Verified
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:
Age to 100

Aug 23,2018
Alese Bennett Verified
Very Good. Mutual of Omaha speaks for its self.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 years

Aug 14,2018
Joe Ferguson Verified
Approved me for the amount I was needing at an affordable price.
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Jul 30,2018
Gavyn (Tiffany) Weeks Verified
Good so far. Only my first month so I haven’t had to call over any issues.
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
15 years

Jul 17,2018
Aaron Dryer Verified
Quick and easy set up
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
30 years

May 30,2018
Ralena Wright Verified
Excellent, thank you very much.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

May 13,2018
Charles Etzweiler Verified
Jason was the best agent with whom I have ever dealt!!!!!
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
15 years

Apr 30,2018
Duel Foreman Verified
My experience has been great.
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

Apr 20,2018
Linda Whiteman Verified
Thank you for providing a life insurance policy that was so easy to obtain. A simple interview by phone took care of everything!
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
15 years

Apr 05,2018
Myra Williams Verified
Wonderful experience will work with this company again
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
15 years

Apr 04,2018
Mylan McDowell Verified
Fast processing and quick to meet our needs
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Apr 03,2018
David King Verified
Fast in getting insurance approved.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
30 years

Mar 25,2018
Steven Lutke Verified
Very hard to believe they could not accept my credit card payment. Had to do a bank draw. Should be a very simple transaction.
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
15 years

Mar 13,2018
Terry Schoolmaster Verified
So far so good! I will be a life loyal customer!
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Jan 26,2018
Billie Oliver Verified
Jen was extremely helpful and patient. It was a pleasure working with her
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Jan 25,2018
Scott Shook Verified
They have great productd
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Jan 25,2018
Mersila Justin Verified
Very satisfied Nothing to complain
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
10 year

Jan 11,2018
Jamaal Davis Verified
I am very pleased with my policy and the customer service from Jennifer Plisch.
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Dec 29,2017
David Williams Verified
Good coverage for what I need
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Dec 26,2017
Cheryl Lund-Haddock Verified
Great company so far
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:
Age to 100

Dec 22,2017
Barry Simmons Verified
Great product and very good experience! Best Regards, Barry Simmons
Mutual Of Omaha
Guaranteed ADvantage
Policy length:
Accidental Life Insurance

Nov 30,2017
Twana Phelps Verified
I have only gotten an email stating that I was approved but nothing in the mail yet. They have a pretty good reputation though.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
30 years

Nov 29,2017
Markeith Meadows Verified
Great insurance company !!!!!!!
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
30 years

Nov 25,2017
James Moore Verified
I already have a couple policies with Mutual of Omaha, so this last one fit right in.
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:

Sep 18,2017
Tong Tran Verified
Easy Transactions. Very Good
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:

Sep 14,2017
Melissa Wheeler Verified
Best price for the same policy quoted by another company.
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:
Age to 100

Aug 18,2017
Nicole Jarvis Verified
I don't have much to say right now as it's a new policy but I can say I like their prices
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
20 years

May 29,2017
Timothy Robbins Verified
Easy. Great experience.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
15 years

May 03,2017
Shirley Schwebs Verified
We have not really had any dealings yet with the company but the prices are affordable. I would rate them at the top.
Mutual Of Omaha
Living Promise
Policy length:

Apr 05,2017
Amanda Alley Verified
Mutual of Omaha has been great to work with, good product and good services.
Mutual Of Omaha
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:

Jul 14,2016
Ivonne Arrieta Verified
Omaha approved application quickly and mailed policy information right away
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
30 years

Apr 28,2016
Robert Wichert Verified
Service, information and experience was excellent.
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Term Life Expresss
Policy length:
15 years

Jan 22,2015
Mary Owens Verified
As expected. Professional
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Simplified Issue Living Promise Whole Life
Policy length:
To Age 121 Level (No Lapse U/L)

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